Mrs Heath
Head Teacher, English, Music, PHSE, RE and Collective Worship Lead. Year 3 and 4 Teacher.
In this section:
I just wanted to say a huge huge Thank you for all the effort and work you all put into the nativity performance. It was honestly just the best thing!
Thank you for organising a wonderful visit from Santa today and a lovely present for the students. My daughter was so thrilled and surprised with hers.
I am very happy with the care, attention and teaching that my children receive at this school. Thank you to all the staff who work together as a team to provide the best possible opportunities and experiences for them.
Our approachable staff are dedicated to providing the very best for the children of Diseworth and the surrounding areas, from which our children live. You will find us all very friendly and keen to work with parents.
Mrs Heath
Head Teacher, English, Music, PHSE, RE and Collective Worship Lead. Year 3 and 4 Teacher.
Mrs Russell
Senior Teacher, SEND Lead, Year 3 and 4 teacher, History, Geography, French and PHSE Lead
Miss Giles
Early Years Practitioner
Miss Marshall
Year 1 and 2 Teacher. PE, Science and D & T Lead
Mr Farr
Year 5 and 6 Class Teacher. Maths, Computing and Art Lead
Ms Gothard
Cover Supervisor and ELSA
Mrs Hills
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Mumford
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Tripp
Learning Support Assistant
Miss Freeman
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Robe
Family & Mental Wellbeing Lead
Mrs Brookes
Office Manager and Midday Supervisor
Mrs Burns
Premises Officer and Wrap Around Care Leader
Mr Vasey
Sports Specialist
Mrs Lockett
Swimming Teacher
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