In this section:
Staff are always there at the beginning and end of the day so there is plenty of opportunities to speak to staff if needed.
I can see how being part of the Beskilled Trust is having a positive impact on the school.
We chose Diseworth school because when we first visited it was so welcoming. We loved the fact that children are taught in 'houses' for certain aspects of the curriculum.
In support of the Department for Education (DfE) document: Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools, Departmental advice for maintained schools, November 2014 which states ‘Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’ The Prevent strategy 2011.
At Diseworth C of E Primary School, we value the diversity of the backgrounds of all pupils, families and the wider school community and strongly believe in upholding British values through all aspects of our school provision.
The DfE states that there is a need:
‘To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’
Our school reflects British values in all that we do. We aim to nurture our children on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the wider world. We actively promote these values, as well as virtues and ethics that contribute towards shaping our pupils’ character and morals. Our RE and PHSE curriculum give our pupils the necessary skills to support this.
What is the meaning by British Values?
Learning British values forms a key part of the children’s spiritual, moral, cultural and social education. The five British Values that the Government has identified for schools to focus on are:
Pupils at Diseworth C of E Primary School are made aware of the term ‘democracy’ and are encourage to voice their opinions in a polite and respectful manner, whilst being mindful of differing opinions from others. Communication is a key skill which runs throughout our curriculum. Pupils share their ideas and views, listen carefully to others and support them as well as constructively challenging opinions. Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon the impact of their words, choices and behaviours to one another at all times.
Democracy in Diseworth Primary School can be seen through:
Pupils are made aware of government elections which take place locally and nationally and the build up and preparations and formal procedures for voting. Discussions are held in class, appropriate to the age of the children and through assemblies, based on current affairs and issues.
The Rule of Law
Pupils are taught to recognise that there are rules in the UK which they are expected to follow and that there are consequences for breaking the law. They are given the opportunity to discuss the benefits of living in a law-abiding society and debate what life would be like without laws. Pupils are able to discuss how rules and laws both govern and protect us. They understand why we have rules at school, clubs and homes as well.
Evidence of the rule of law in action at our school:
All staff, pupils and governors uphold the rules, follow guidelines and policies.
Individual Liberty
Pupils have been introduced to the term ‘individual liberty’ and have discussed its meaning of having rights that they are able to exercise. These rights are valued and children realise that they have the right to say ‘no’ to ideas and activities they believe to be wrong. We impress upon the children the importance of reflecting upon their behaviours and the impact it has on other people. We always stress to pupils that exercising your rights should never put anyone else in danger, or threaten them in any way, either verbally or physically.
Pupils are encouraged to be good citizens and develop their independence as well as co-operating with and supporting others. We encourage pupils to make positive contributions towards society through involving them in fundraising and charitable events. Non uniform days support a range of charities, both local and national, throughout the year.
Pupils are encouraged and helped to be able to make informed choices, through our curriculum. They are encouraged to know and understand their right, responsibilities and personal freedoms and are encouraged to do this in a safe, appropriate way, eg, internet safety/safety.
Our school is underpinned by our values of compassion, courage, truthfulness,endurance,community and kindness. Through our teaching of RE, PHSE and SMSC our pupils are able to develop their self confidence, self esteem, recognise right and wrong, good and bad choices, laws of the land and use these within the community. Pupils opinions are always valued and they know that everyone is individual and has their own thoughts but they can express them freely and appropriately, while respecting the beliefs, cultures and religion of others.
Evidence of individual liberty in action in our school:
Mutual respect
Mutual respect is at the heart of our values and underpins our curriculum. Our Behaviour policy is followed consistently across the school and pupils are aware that they must treat others as they want to be treated and ‘to value someone highly for what they say or do’ or ‘to treat people politely and thoughtfully, to show we value them.’ They are encouraged and expected to treat others with thoughtfulness and consideration.
Evidence of mutual respect in action in our school:
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
All different faiths, beliefs and non-beliefs are explored, celebrated and broadened through assemblies and RE sessions. Children within our school are taught that people have different faiths and beliefs and that these should be accepted. Links are made between different religions. Pupils recognise that discrimination of any kind is unacceptable and understand the importance of equality. Within our curriculum we develop cultural appreciation, including aspects of British history such as local history (eg, the history of our village and how it has changed, Bosworth Battlefield)
Evidence of tolerance of Different faiths and beliefs in our school:
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